County Shoes Dorchester

Start-Rite Children’s shoe size conversion chart

Data for ascertaining children shoe sizes when using the Start-Rite Paper Foot Measure
Length (mm)SizeD Fit (mm)E fit (mm)F fit (mm)G fit (mm)H fit (mm)
94 - 103S 2119 - 124125 - 130131 - 137138 - 143144 - 149
104 - 107S 2.5121 - 126127 - 133134 - 139140 - 145146 - 152
108 - 111S 3123 - 129130 - 135136 - 141142 - 148149 - 154
112 - 116S 3.5126 - 131132 - 137138 - 144145 - 150151 - 157
117 - 120S 4128 - 133134- 140141 - 146147 - 153154 - 159
121 - 124S 4.5131 - 136137- 142143 - 149150 - 155156 - 161
125 - 128S 5133 - 138139- 145146 - 151152 - 157158 - 164
129 - 133S 5.5135 - 141142- 147148 - 153154 - 160161 - 166
134 - 137S 6138 - 143144- 149150 - 156157 - 162163 - 168
138 - 141S 6.5140 - 145146- 152153 - 158159 - 164165 - 171
142 - 145S 7142 - 148149- 154155 - 160161 - 167168 - 173
146 - 150S 7.5145 - 150151- 157158 - 163164 - 169170 - 176
151 - 154S 8147 - 153154- 159160 - 165166 - 172173 - 178
155 - 158S 8.5150 - 155159- 161162 - 168169 - 174175 - 180
159 - 162S 9155 - 160161- 167168 - 173174 - 179180 - 186
163 - 166S 9.5157 - 163164- 169170 - 175176 - 182183 - 188
167 - 170S 10160 - 165166- 171172 - 178179 - 184185 - 190
171 - 175S 10.5162 - 167168- 174175 - 180181 - 186187 - 193
176 - 179S 11164 - 170171- 176177 - 183184 - 189190 - 195
180 - 183S 11.5167 - 172173- 179180 - 185186 - 191192 - 198
184 - 187S 12169 - 175176- 181182 - 187188 - 194195 - 200
188 - 192S 12.5172 - 177178- 183184 - 190191 - 196197 - 202
193 - 196S 13172 - 177178- 183184 - 190191 - 196197 - 202
197 - 200S 13.5176 - 182183- 188189 - 194195 - 201202 - 207
201 - 204L 1179 - 184185- 190191 - 197198 - 203204 - 210
205 - 209L 1.5181 - 186187- 193194 - 199200 - 206207 - 212
210 - 213L 2182 - 188189- 194195 - 200201 - 207208 - 213
214 - 217L 2.5185 - 191192- 197198 - 203204 - 210211 - 216
218 - 221L 3189 - 194194- 200201 - 207208 - 213214 - 219
222 - 225L 3.5192 - 197198- 203204 - 210211 - 216217 - 222
226 - 230L 4195 - 200201- 207208 - 213214 - 219220 - 226
231 - 234L 4.5198 - 203204- 210211 - 216217 - 222223 - 229
235 - 238L 5201 - 207208- 213214 - 219220 - 226227 - 232
239 - 242L 5.5204 - 210211- 216217 - 222223 - 229230 - 235
243 - 247L 6208 - 213214- 219220 - 226227 - 232233 - 238
248 - 251L 6.5211 - 216217- 222223 - 229230 - 235236 - 241
252 - 255L 7214 - 219220 - 226227 - 232233 - 238239 - 245
256 - 259L 7.5217 - 222223 - 229230 - 235236 - 241242 - 248
260 - 264L 8220 - 226227 - 232233 - 238239 - 245246 - 251
265 - 268L 8.5223 - 229230 - 235236 - 241242 - 248249 - 254
269 - 272L 9227 - 232233 - 238239 - 245246 - 251252 - 257
273 - 276L 9.5230 - 235236 - 241242 - 248249 - 254255 - 261
277 - 280L 10233 - 238239 - 245246 - 251252 - 257258 - 264
281 - 285L 10.5236 - 241242 - 248249 - 254255 - 261262 - 267
286 - 289L 11239 - 245246 - 251252 - 257258 - 264265 - 270


🌟 We’re back to school ready🌟

The pop-up school shoe fitting and sales shop is back at
CAR RADIOS in DORCHESTER in Great Western Road
(next to The King and Thai).

Open during the Summer school holidays 24th July to 5th September.
Monday to Saturday, 10 o’clock till 4 o’clock each day.

Unfortunately I will not be able to be open on the 1st August and 2nd August
due to family commitments.

For any further enquiries send us a message or give us a call on 01305 251 555.